Joannes M Hallegraeff
Hanze University Groningen, Netherlands
Title: Nocturnal leg cramps: stretching is effective however diagnosing may be confused with other motor sleep disorders
Biography: Joannes M Hallegraeff
Background: Many suff erers from nocturnal leg cramps stretch their legs when night cramps occur and pain is then decreased. However, can a pre-sleep stretching regimen be eff ective in preventing nocturnal leg cramps and decrease frequency and severity of cramps? Many older adults suff er from one of these sleep related motor disorders, which are oft en conducted with sleep disruption, distress and decreased quality of life, however a clear defi nition of nocturnal leg cramps is lacking. Nocturnal leg cramps, restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movement disorder are oft en confused in diagnosing as diff erent sleep related movement disorders. Two research questions must be answered: Will a pre-sleep stretching regimen be eff ective in nocturnal leg cramps? To identify all evidence based valid criteria with respect to diagnosing nocturnal leg cramps and which conditions must be ruled out. Materials & Methods: Eighty adults over 55 years with nocturnal leg cramps who were not being treated with medication were taken into consideration. In a six-week period, the experimental group performed a nightly pre-sleep stretching regimen of the calf and hamstrings muscles immediately before going to sleep. Th e control group performed no specifi c exercises. A comprehensive systematic literature search has been executed 1990 up till now. Results: All participants completed the study. At six weeks frequency and severity of nocturnal leg cramps decreased both signifi cantly in the experimental group. Although diagnostic studies about nocturnal leg cramps could not be identifi ed this is the fi rst attempt to systematically review all literature on nocturnal leg cramps: Systematic and narrative reviews, randomized trials and observational studies. Th e included studies revealed a total of twelve diagnostic criteria described in these primary studies and are used in their inclusion criteria. Conclusion: Night stretching before going to sleep is eff ective on frequency and severity of nocturnal leg cramps and might be an eff ective alternative as a non-drug intervention. Consensus is reached about criteria for clinical diagnosing of nocturnal leg cramps.